DIY Grow Box: This Design Creates 28 sq feet of Growing Space

A do-it-yourself grow box will let you take advantage of a sunny space. Combine it with the yield-building power of vertical gardening, as shown in this video from Garden Answer, and you’ll be able to grow dozens of plants in a small area. This design creates 28 square feet of growing space by using all sides of the box and the top.

This grow box has the extra advantage of being built with casters, which makes it easier to move. The supplies you’ll need to build it are readily available. You’ll need shade cloth or landscaping cloth, PVC pipes, casters, 2 x 4 boards, chicken wire, burlap, U-nails, screws, and a bamboo tepee trellis.

After cutting the 2 x 4 boards to the specified lengths, you’ll build the frame by joining the boards with screws. Then, the box must be encased in chicken wire. Next you’ll line the box with the landscaping cloth in order to retain soil. Burlap will be attached to the outer walls.

When you fill the box with soil, you’ll place the PVC pipes throughout the soil vertically. These have holes drilled in them, and they’ll aid you with watering. You’ll need about 5 bags each containing 2 cubic feet of organic soil to fill the grow box.

Many types of plants are appropriate for this system, such as strawberries, lettuce, and cabbage. A grow box like this one will let you discover just how much production you can achieve on a sunny patio.

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